Information about the Kyokushin Budo Kai and the I.B.K:
The Kyokushin Budo Kai was founded in 1980 by Jon Bluming Kaiso and later became the International Budo Kaikan (IBK). On this moment there are several dojo's in the following countries: Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Curacao, Israel, Norway, America, Puerto Rico, Croatia and Russia. There are only two sections within the International Budo Kaikan and those are Kyokushin Full Contact Karate and Kyokushin Budokai All-Round Fighting.
Kyokushin Full Contact Karate:
This "Strongest Karate in the World" combines the traditional Kihon and Kata, and has explosive and dynamic "knockdown" competition rules. This fighting system has its origin in the Kyokushin Honbu Dojo in Tokyo, Japan and is founded by Sosai Mas Oyama. All prominent Shihans from this organisation are recommended for their extensive knowledge of Kyokushin Full Contact Karate.
Kyokushin Budokai All-Round Fighting:
Kaiso Jon Bluming set up his own no-nonsense style in 1980. After many years of training Kyokushin Full Contact Karate and Judo, he was of the opinion that combining these two styles would result in a more effective and realistic Martial Art. That he was right is evident from the many competition styles that arose, such as the Dai Do Juku, Free Fight and Pancrase in wich the IBK members have won many times.